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About the Team

M.A.P.S  is a group of like minded individuals who all came together with one common interest...The Paranormal related to individual past experiences. Our core investigators are all medical professionals by day and paranormal investigators by night. M.A.P.S began by combining several different paranormal groups from southeast michigan (Spiritchasers, FGIS, UPST and ICP) into one group to facilitate helping others who are afflicted with paranormal occurences. Combining groups allows us to cover a wider range of locations and have more personnel to investigate.



Robert DeClercq


I've always had a fascination for the paranormal since I was a child. I was investigating cemetery's at ten yrs old with a buddy armed only with a boom box, camera & flashlight. It wasn't until I saw my Mom's spirit in the basement of the house I grew up in when I decided to really want to know if ghosts really did exist, so I formed my  paranormal group Spiritchasers in 1991. Since then I've wanted to set out & prove to myself & to others that the after life is real and I was going to show them the evidence to prove it. I have investigated  over 250 haunted places in Michigan, Ohio,West Virginia,  Penn, and even a few haunted cemetery's and buildings in the great state of Alaska!! I've investigated many insane asylums, prisons, funeral homes & you can throw in a lot of hotels, b&b's & restaraunts to add to my resume. My quest in life is to help others who are having paranormal problems in their homes & want answers. Formerly know as Spiritchasers I have now joined forces with F.G.I.S. and from the upper peninsula, U.P.S.T & Iron County Paranormal, to create MAPS with over 50 yrs of combined knowledge we are going to raise the bar high on searching for the afterlife!!! MAPS hopes to help out and try and explain the paranormal field is growing and hope to one day be accepted by the scientific community !!!

Laura Steck


Parnormal, ghosts, spirits! A few friends and I decided to start a paranormal group, FGIS, Fearless Ghost Investigators Society.  We wanted to check out these supposed haunted locations,  have some fun and travel around our great country.  What we didn't expect is to actually capture evidence in the form of unexplained voices, knocks and strange noises on our voice recorder (my favorite piece of equipment) and video camera. This hobby soon turned into a quest of mine to investigate as many  haunted locations as I could to experience paranormal activity. I'm honored to join MAPS to continue my quest and learn and grow with the MAPS team. 

 Kathleen Claes


Nurse by day Paranormal Investigator by night. I became interested in the paranormal through my own personal experiences growing up and as a child. I realized at an early age when I was at certain locations I knew (without having been told any history of the location I was visiting) certain events/people who inhabited/frequented that location. My interest in investigating the paranormal came after I personally lived in a haunted house. I would have my friends over to experience the strange happenings: people walking up/down the stairs. children playing above when no one was there and frequent visitations from a spectral cat to name a few of the witnessed events my friends and I experienced.

Nick Steck


My introduction into the ghostly world of the unknown started when I was a kid. I saw my first apparition as we would call it. My quest continued when Ghost Hunters aired on television and I was hooked. My stepmom approached me  and asked about forming a group to go explore haunted locations and to put claims to rest by either affirming or debunking ghostly activity. Our group is known as the Fearless Ghost Investigators Society. My role in the group is the tech guy. Making sure our cameras were working and set up. We travelled to many locations including Waverly Hills Sanitarium, Villisca Axe Murder House, TransAllegany Asylum one of my personal favorites, and many more. Through my journey I have gained spiritual insight into the unexplainable. I look forward to forging more bonds with the wonderful people I have met along the way and gaining more knowledge about the things that can't always be seen with the naked eye.

Hailey Claes


When I was young I had always felt like I had a connection with the paranormal, my first expierence having been, in my home with my grandfather who was no longer with us. I have just recently joined the group, working as the web master and investigator in training. My first official investigation was the Lemp Mansion back in 2008.

Pictured: Nick Steck, Kathleen Claes, Robert

DeClercq, and Laura Steck.

Not Pictured: Hailey Claes

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